Analytics on every aspect of the product through a single interface

Access real-time product data to keep track of your product's status.
By eliminating latency and dependence on the development team, you can build dashboards that display the real-time status of your products and anticipate upcoming challenges. Boost collaboration inside teams and between the customer success, product and development teams.

Analytics on every aspect of the product through a single interface

Access real-time product data to keep track of your product's status. By eliminating latency and dependence on the development team, you can build dashboards that display the real-time status of your products and anticipate upcoming challenges. Boost collaboration inside teams and between the customer success, product and development teams.

Provide multi-database querying using SQL

Increase efficiency by being able to view analytics from all data products in a single place. This is without switching between multiple UIs or systems to get a complete picture of how data product is being used.

AI-Based Data Catalog and Auto-complete features

Formulate and execute queries faster. A constantly evolving Data Catalog provides insight into all possible connections between data entities. By analyzing the usage patterns in every data-source, ApeakData determines the shortest paths between tables. As you formulate the query, its wisdom appears in auto-complete, defining join statements and cross-table constraints.

Add value to all aspects of the business

Create a virtual semantic data layer ready to be easily integrated with BI products. Run live reports and perform analysis on data distributed across multiple tables, databases, or even different types of data stores (e.g., relational databases, NoSQL databases, etc.).

Activate Metadata

for Faster and more Reliable Product Analysis:

Cross-source analysis by running one SQL query

Get a more complete picture of the data when working with data from different departments or organizations. Validate content easily by comparing and detecting differences from multiple sources.

Query NoSQL data with simple SQL

Allows analysts to query NoSQL data using SQL. That way analysts are exposed to the data as soon as it arrives, without latency caused by data migration or NoSQL expert's assistance.

Multi-Cloud Connectivity in a Hybrid Environment

And more ... Analytics On Data Stored Anywhere Through a Single Interface
For list of all connectors