Fast and securely convert data into strategic assets

ApeakData for Financial Services

Without deploying new data processes or moving data around: Create 360-degree view on customers, deliver complete visibility for analysts and create secure solutions with centralized management.

Fully operational Data warehouse in days, with access to entire data spectrum, financial and audit from a single interface

ApeakData serves as a virtual Data Warehouse, allowing data to be processed directly at its storage location, eliminating the necessity for migration to a central hub. It efficiently executes analyses, factoring in the nature of the data, its interconnections, and the specific storage source, facilitating secure and cost-efficient multi-source queries.

With ApeakData, Financial companies can do:

Faster on-boarding, lower maintenance

Link up your financial data sources directly, bypassing the lengthy process of data transfer and replication. Continue focusing on your financial operations while ApeakData ensures a smooth and unobtrusive analytics experience, requiring no additional investment or resources.

Secured multi-source data querying

Increase efficiency by being able to run analytics from all data products in a single place. This is without switching between multiple UIs or systems to get a complete picture of how data product is being used.

  • Cross clouds
  • Cross regions
  • Cloud and on-premises at once
  • SQL and NoSQL at once

Comprehensive business intelligence and insights across all data dimensions

ApeakData’s platform seamlessly integrates cloud data, legacy data sources, and on-premise storage, while also offering ready-to-use functions to expedite advanced KPI calculations. By connecting your preferred Business Intelligence tool to ApeakData, you gain access to comprehensive 360-degree views, fraud detection, and security analytics.

With ApeakData, Financial companies benefit from:

Decreased time to run an insight

Improved time to market of new ideas 

Significant cost savings in data management

Improved analyst's productivity

Flexibility to quickly adapt to market trends.

SIMPLER and FASTER operations in finance by directly connecting data sources

Banking and Payments:

Easily track all transactions, proactively prevent fraud, and ensure your applications are running smoothly. 


Grow your services confidently by helping your analysts to generate securely innovative financial insights and solutions.


Achieve a comprehensive understanding of your clients by quickly accessing and analyzing data from various sources.

How ApeakData works

Every stakeholder with SQL knowledge has access to information as soon as it is received.  

All data operations are done with SQL. This includes virtual data layer creation, data pipelines, and data enrichment. This layer has also a role management interface. Platform administrators can manage roles and users in a centralized manner, with ease while meeting maximum security levels.  

When a query is executed, the platform intelligently parses it, taking into consideration the data types and storage locations of each data piece, ensuring optimal processing efficiency. 

Connectivity to cloud-based data products. ApeakData is easily connected to products on AWS, Azure, and GCP. But not only.